Our Team / Bora Sarı
Bora Sarı has taken his Bachelor’s degree from the Management Department of Bilkent University.
He worked as Regional Sales Manager at Procter & Gamble Turkey. He worked at Rota Management Development Services and then established his own company, Orkestral Communication. He has taken part in the implementation of a laboratory package (Team Learning Lab) about Learning Organizations in Turkey and Egypt, which was established by Nick Zenuik and Fred Simon, and the high contributions of Peter Senge. He also worked as a Team Coach in improving inner capacity programs which were planned by the cooperation of The Learning Circle.
He has achieved his “Co-active Coaching” certificate. This certification was executed by cooperation with The Coaches Training Institute and Navitas Coaching Training Consultancy which are recognized by the first coaching school in Turkey called International Coach Federation (ICF). After that, he also worked on institutionalization, reorganization, and change management projects within the structure of Navitas, which was also in cooperation with Vector Europe. He had worked at Levi Strauss & Co. (Levi’s® & Dockers®) as a Key Account Sales Manager and then worked as a Retail HR & Training Manager. Since 2010, He has been working as a Training Specialist and Consultant within TEM Management Development Services.
He worked as a member of an association and member of the board at the Bugday Association for Supporting Ecological Living. He is interested in and studying Sustainability, Ecological Life, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Creative Drama, Restorative Circles, Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, World Cafe, Art of Hosting Participatory Leadership, and Learning Organizations. He also continues the Leadership of Creative Drama (Drama in Training) certification program at Contemporary Drama Association.