Our Team / Zeynep Armağan Şahan
Zeynep Armağan Şahan has taken her Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Sociology at Middle East Technical University as an honor student. Then she completed her master degree from the Department of Communication Strategies & Public Relations at Galatasaray University. She completed the Project Management Certificate Program at the University of Chicago.
She started her business life at TEM Management Development Services as an Education Specialist, Management Consultant, and Project Manager. In the meantime, she worked 5 years in Advertising & Production Industry as a Managing Partner and Producer in the company which she has founded with her partners.
She completed the NLP Program at iNLP Center in USA and became an accredited NLP Practitioner. She also completed the International Yoga Instructor Program offered by Yoga Alliance. Besides, she also participated in training programs about Orientation Design, Intelligence in Business Life, Elocution & Effective Speaking.
She is also a member of METU - Social Committee and Fashion Film Festival İstanbul - Advisory Board.
Since 2007, she has been working as a Management Consultant and Project Manager within TEM Management Development Services. She is also working as an agent to certain International Directors and Cinematographers in the Advertising and Cinema Industry.